lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

( ALL 9th Grade ) Figurative Language (All 9th Grade)

Task #1: (MONDAY and TUESDAY)

b. Watch the following videos with examples of figurative language/Figures of speech: (click on each word)
             1. Similes and Metaphors
             2. Hyperbole
             3. Personification
             4. Alliteration
             5. Onomatopoeia


Based on the previous videos, write your own definition for each Figure of Speech. Also, create one meaningful example for each one. Be creative!

Task #3: (FRIDAY)figurative
     A. Send a copy, scan, photo to my email:

martes, 21 de abril de 2020

(((9-3))) Types of Character (((9-3)))

Hello, students! I hope you are all well. Here I am posting the material for this week. This week we are going to be working with the different types of characters in a story.

Instructions for the week:
Monday and Tuesday: Study the following images

Wednesday: Study the following Presentation

Presentation: Types of Characters

Thursday: Work on the following worksheet.

WORKSHEET: Types of Characters

Friday: Continue working on the worksheet and send it to me once you are finished.

You must send a picture or scanned copy of the worksheet to my email and Mr. Bonkosky's email

((9-2)) Types of Characters ((9-2))

Hello, students! I hope you are all well. Here I am posting the material for this week. This week we are going to be working with the different types of characters in a story.

Instructions for the week:
Monday: Hand-in works from past weeks.

Tuesday: Read and review this presentation on the different types of characters.

Presentation: Types of Character

Wednesday: We will have a ZOOM video chat at 1pm.

Thursday: Work on the following worksheet.

Friday: Continue working on the worksheet and send it to me once you are finished.

You must send a picture or scanned copy of the worksheet to my email and Mr. Bonkosky's email

lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

(9-1) Types of Character (9-1)

Hello students!

Hope you are well and healthy! Here you will find this week's task. This week you will learn on different types of characters. *Remember! If you have any doubts, email me or text me privately. Have a good one!

MONDAY: Study the following images on Flat , Round, Static, and Dynamic Characters

TUESDAY:  Study the Following Power Point Presentation

Presentation: Types of Character

WEDNESDAY: Watch the following video using examples from movies.

THURSDAY: Read the following short story and answer the exercise.

FRIDAY: Revise the exercise and send  a photo or scan to my email. Remember you can write the answers and explanations in your notebook.

martes, 14 de abril de 2020

(((9-3))) Characterization: Direct or Indirect? (((9-3)))

Hello, students!
Hope you guys are doing well and are healthy. This week we are going to be working with Characterization, more specifically Direct and Indirect Characterization.

Instructions for the week:

·      Monday: Independent Reading- Read information provided regarding characterization and characterization techniques. 

·      Tuesday: Watch this YouTube video with meaningful examples of characterization. 

·  Wednesday: Begin working on the  Characterization in User Friendly worksheet. You will identify and explain one example of direct and indirect characterization and assign two descriptive adjectives for Kevin Neil [Protagonist of the story].

·   Thursday: Continue and finish working on the  Characterization in User Friendly worksheet.

·      Friday: Hand in your finished work. The worksheet will be sent to both my email: and Mr. Bonkosky's

((9-2)) Characterization: Direct or Indirect? ((9-2))

Hello, students! 

Hope you guys are doing well and are healthy. This week we are going to be working with Characterization, more specifically Direct and Indirect Characterization.

Instructions for the week:

Monday: Read this PowerPoint presentation on Direct and Indirect Characterization. Presentation

Tuesday: Watch this video on Direct and Indirect Characterization.

Wednesday/Thursday/Friday: Complete Parts A, B, and C of the following worksheet. Parts A and B will be done using the short story User Friendly that was read in class    WORKSHEET

Once finished with the worksheet, send a picture or scanned document to my email and Mr. Bonkosky's email

lunes, 13 de abril de 2020

(9-1)Characterization: Direct or Indirect? (9-1)

Hello students!!!!

Hope you are al well and healthy. For this week, we will be exploring different characters and how they are portrayed in a story. We will begin with Direct and Indirect Characterization.

Task #1 (MONDAY) Study the following images.

Task #2 (TUESDAY) Watch the following video: Direct and Indirect Characterization

Task #3 (WEDNESDAY) Videoconference on Wednesday, April 15 1:00pm

Task #4: (THURSDAY/FRIDAY) Complete the following worksheet: Direct/Indirect Worksheet
     It has 2 exercises. Answer them in your notebook, scan it or take a picture and send it to my email.